Live Like a Local

In The Hotel District living like a local means seeing what we see every day, only through a slightly different lens. From your first coffee and crusty croissant of the day, to a beautifully catered lunch in the same meeting rooms our local Forbes’ listers use for their meetings, to dinner and drinks at night. Best of all, our locals can’t wait to welcome you to The Hotel District.


Grand Rapids’ dining scene isn’t just growing – it’s exploding – thanks to dozens of new restaurants popping up in The Hotel District. Home-cookin’ restaurants, chef-driven restaurants, classic dining spots, steak-houses, ethnic eats and, of course, since this is Beer City USA we’ve created a dining scene that pairs the perfect beers with the perfect foods – like Napa, without the side-dish of hoity-toity.


Cities have a vibe. Grand Rapids' vibe is all about what’s next. Which is why there’s always something going on: running, picnics, biking or angling along the Grand River, symphony, theatre, comedy, skating and dancing throughout The Hotel District, and a mix of music that keeps this city dancing to its own eclectic, electric beat, day and night.


Before the mega-mall standardized the shopping experience there were places like this. Where walkers strolled the sidewalks stopping in unique shops, with in-between shops stops for coffee, a bite at a bakery, or a leisurely lunch or mid-day mimosa. And at the end of the day, a shopping bag with something in it isn’t a known-name-brand, something locally made and never before seen online, or a local treasure to commemorate your trip.

Art, Culture & Cool

OK – meetings over! Now what? Well, how about a Broadway play… a night at the symphony… a leisurely stroll through an unbelievable art museum… nothing striking a chord yet? Then just take a stroll through the city for a look at our beautiful historic buildings, stop by a local art gallery, pop in one of a dozen music venues or order up a drink in one of our beautiful lobbies, rooftop terraces or river-side patios and watch the Grand River roll by.

Sip, Celebrate, Dance, and Dine

Discover unique experiences, trendy hotspots, and the most happening events to make your time in Grand Rapids truly unforgettable. You’re invited to sip, celebrate, dance, and dine — check out upcoming events and happenings at the Hotel Events Hub!